I have been a big slacker I know. But the exciting thing is that # 5 chemo is done. To top it off I think it was the fastest day of chemo ever. Got there @ 8:30 saw the doc briefly and we were on our way. Come 2 o' clock I was done. Complete record time... I came straight home after since I was not feeling to hot took an Ativan and fell fast asleep. I woke up later that evening and I surprisingly felt okay. I know they say each treatment is a little different but this was great. So far this morning I am feeling okay as well. Just about to take my morning steroids though. My favorite part of this whole experience, NOT. Anyhow so with that we only have one more to go and I am set for a PET scan May 28th. This will show the doc if all the cancer is gone. They will still administer chemo # 6, but then HOLLY will be CANCER FREE. That will be one amazing thing to here.
Love you all, thanks so much for all your support. I couldn't have made it this far with out you.
Hell yeah! 5 down, 1 to go.